Wednesday, June 13, 2018

stewarding power

Last evening, I ran into two friends who are quickly becoming known as a "power couple," an indication that the work they do together is making an impact across the region.  While they were a little embarrassed by the designation, we discussed the good that can be done when one's power is used for the common good.  Similar to the word "politics," the term "power" often carries negative connotations.  I believe that is true because many people experience power (and politics) as a tool to abuse others, to achieve one's own agenda, and to build one's personal kingdom.  A common definition of the term "power" is as follows:
 the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.  
As I read that, I am reminded that leadership is often defined as having influence...and it is difficult to have influence without power.  My personal definition of leadership is "stewarding the power given to help others achieve goals for the common good."

So what does it mean to steward power?  Here are a few thoughts:

  • understanding the paradox that one's power is given to them by others...and that power is given because that person has previously exhibited their own use of power
  • realizing that power is something that is given over time...and taken away very quickly
  • ensuring that one's power is being used for the good of others, and not letting it slip into one's personal agenda
  • recognizing the difference between positional power and referent power...and the paradox that because one has referent power (charisma to be liked enough to be given power) can lead to positional power, and that the two are very different
  • checking to ensure that power is never used in a coercive manner...the means does not always justify the end
  • reminding oneself that power is a gift given by God to be used in one's vocation...and that stewarding that gift in service to others is how we honor the Creator
I am delighted that my friends have been given the label of power couple, because  I know that they will steward that gift well...and I know that, because of their leadership, others will be served in a manner that enhances the common good.  May God bless their use of power for many years to come.

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